Saturday 11 February 2017

Men conceive a meaningful existence of a woman only when she is subjected to a framework. Marriage and Motherhood, with all their essentialities are nothing but a framework for men. The most callous of such forced subjection is a woman’s subjection to objectification. Take away marriage and motherhood from the paradigm of womanhood and all that will be left is the randomness of freedom. Humans have always held reservations about such randomness. They are satiated with gardens in their homes where nature is confined to a framework, but to behold the erratic evolvements of nature is a feat yet to be conquered by them. Women are conceived of as gardens in homes, but their true essence is constituted in an unrestricted construct that leads to impulsive moments of sedateness and ferocity, estranging any kind of pattern.
When it comes to figuring out the intellectual, creative or ideological depth one has, family is not the right mirror to look at. A family is not built to intellectually shape up or weigh its members. Giving a free hand to ideas and bringing the complexities of the outside World on to its platter is not organic to the architecture of a family. Family is a protective cartel where all the vulnerabilities and insecurities are laid to rest, and that do everything it can to sustain its genuine cohesiveness which is scarce in the outside World.

Different ideas embody fragmented individuals singing their own songs, and at times giving birth to rebellious streaks. To bring these fragments in conformity or to oneness is a skill a family is ignorant about, because family is not made by bringing fragments together, but it’s a union from the very beginning. So any will to express an idea, falls outside the ambit of a family and wins no seriousness at all.
A woman who clamors for independence, remains aloof from its constituents. Independence is as untraceable and yet all-encompassing as breath, dovetailing the human existence without any clamour of its own. No ordinary being can fathom its power to transform a woman into a perennial river which is unstoppable and yet a treat to the eyes.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Intellectualizing an emotion is an unintentional outcome which is triggered by an act of seeking, by a mind indulged in abstractness. Emotionalizing a thought is an act of both deceit and desperation to pass one's wishful thinking as truth. Truly blessed is the one who is effortless in both, for he can switch to the other when he is tired of one, floating between being incomprehensible and being understood.
Living for luxury is a brute order of life which deceitfully disrupts the other evolving orders, and sabotage their identities. It disrupts the order of an altruistic living by the idea of charity, and the order of an artistic living by the idea of eminence.
Passing a judgment on a being is the limitation of mind. Passing a judgment on life is the limitation of mortality.